Work men have poured the foundation for two new classrooms. In the will of the Lord a group of volunteers will be coming to construct them in January. These two rooms will allow us to move the grade one (who were in tight quarters this year) and add grade two in the new year.
The school year is now over – there was the kindergarten graduation on Friday with nineteen students graduating. I will be working over the summer preparing the Bible and English curriculum for the coming school year.
We were able to pick up our visa cards in Lima this month, they will renew once a year. Immigration has started working on the children’s visas which should be ready in late January or February. This will mean another trip to Lima, but this time with the children.
Spanish is coming along slowly but surely (here they say poco a poco – little by little). We try to practice as much as we can as that is the best tool for lodging the new words in our minds. Our Spanish teacher arranged for us to go to a private university twice a week and practice our Spanish with students who are learning English. We have also been able to make some contacts through our efforts to learn the language.
We recently spent the day filling in for some of the house parents at the children’s home so they could have a much needed break. There continue to be changes at the children’s home. One infant was returned to her mother while another girl and boy (both nine years old) were brought in as a result of police intervention in their living arrangements. Please pray for these children, their young life has already been so difficult and its only God’s grace can help them recover. Pray too for the staff as they work with the children and for their hearts as they deal with the challenges of saying goodbye when the children leave.
A few things to pray for:
· The children’s visas
· As we learn Spanish & for opportunities to practice it
· For the house parents at the children’s home
· Pray for us to adjust to living in Peru (culture, health)
Thank you for your prayers in this past year. We pray you will enjoy your fellowship with our Saviour as we take time to remember His birth this Christmas.
In Him
Mark & Kim DeJager and family