Dear praying friends. We wanted to thank-you again for your prayers. The hymn says morning by morning new mercies I see, and we are thankful for His mercies, that they are new every morning.
This past month has been a whirlwind of activity. We still have the three brothers (Edwin 18 mos, Jorge 3 and Nain 5) and are uncertain of how much longer they will be with us. They love to eat, sleep and play. The sad look in their eyes is slowing fading and their story is slowly emerging. They watched their father beat their mom while under the influence; they themselves bear the marks of either neglect or abuse.
The oldest bears the burden of responsibility for his younger brothers. Obviously this has added a new challenge to our lives; there are now eight of us in our apartment so we have close fellowship. Now the two older boys are on summer break so Kim’s load has increased.
School has just wrapped up for the year and the students are on summer vacation. We wrapped up the year with our annual school closing and awards ceremony followed by a K5 graduation and then a chocolatada for the school and Sunday School children. The chocolatada is a Christmas tradition where they eat a sweet bread called paneton with fruit in it and drink a hot chocolate with a few other spices. During these different meetings we were able to present the Word of life.
This summer in the Lord’s will I will be continuing to work on the curriculum and I will be helping with construction of two new classrooms. We need them for next year to continue to grow by adding third grade. The foundation work is already under way with the main construction planned for January. We are very thankful to God as we have seen Him provide for the new building, both labour and financially.
The Bible studies in various homes are slowly wrapping up. We are sad as some still have failed to turn to Christ but thankful for the opportunity to sow the seed. Others are continuing their studies although still not saved.
I recently registered our vehicle; it took nearly two months and approximately 12 hours in different lines. Then I went to renew the permit for the tinting on my windows and was handed a list of sixteen requirements and six pages of different forms that need to be completed.
This past month we made a quick trip to Lima as Christopher needed to write his SAT for university. We were able to enjoy fellowship with the Christians there and a short break.
We pray you will enjoy your fellowship with Him over the Christmas holidays.
In Him
Mark and Kim