We had a successful trip to Lima to pick up the children’s visas. There was a glitch that ended up with me asking the director to allow us to get our paper work done on the day we had planned. God intervened and we were able to get everything done.
Since the last newsletter we have had two of the children leave the home. Jose was two years old and was adopted by a couple from Norway, while Cesie is nine months and went home with her mother. The challenge is that Cesie and her older brother (10yrs) and sister (5 yrs) were taken because of neglect, please pray that the mother will take care of her daughter.
We have had some rain here! One day of steady rain flooded the streets (there are no storm sewers) and left all unpaved roads a literal swamp. Traveling to the meetings the next day was interesting since the streets leading up to the children’s home are not paved. Fortunately we did not get stuck.
One of the young men from the local assembly and a young lady who works at the children’s home were married recently. It was great to be a part of them uniting together to serve the Lord.
Late in February our assembly will host a youth day for the young people in the area. It will be a great opportunity for the young people to spend time together and hear the Word of God.
We are looking forward to school starting please pray that as we see a new group of children and the families they represent they would be receptive to the gospel.
We have been thankful to have several young ladies from Nova Scotia -Susannah MacKinnon and Jessica-Rae Linzel to visit for a week. They have helped out at the children’s home and with the summer school.
We recently changed Spanish teachers (our former teacher was working two jobs and very tired). We also have continued to visit a local university and practice our Spanish with some of the students. We have been able to start meeting with some of them outside of these times which gives us more opportunity to talk. Kim has also started to meet with a lady who would like to improve her English, which gives Kim a chance to practice her Spanish as well. This lady grew up attending a local meeting but was never saved. Please pray as we spend time with these people.
Thank-you again for your prayers and interest in the work here.
In Him
Mark Kim and family