Dear friends, brothers and sisters in Christ.
I join Paul when I say I am thankful when I remember you. We have been acutely aware of the need of your prayers over the last month and are thankful for them.
We recently had a young boy come to the children’s home. He is around nine years old and his name is Omar. His parents had left town and he was left with relatives who beat him regularly. Finally he left them and showed up in someone’s house in FerreƱafe. They fed him and then called the police the next day. Since then he has been at the children’s home, settling into a new life of structure and discipline. He had not attended school yet this year (since March) so he is behind. His teacher is working to help him catch up.
Today was the Spring Picnic for the Christian School. It is a field day for the school. Families from the school and Christians from the local church attended. There were games, food and a Bible lesson. We were able to use the local “coliseum” (without any lions) for our event.
I have been working at the Christian school. Most of these last weeks have been taken up getting to know the staff and where they are in the curriculum, along with outstanding needs in the school. Kim has been working at home with our children on their schooling.
One night when returning home from the meetings Tom took a photo of us in one of the local Ticos. Its a snug affair esp. in the back seat. The fact that it is almost sitting on the ground is as much a factor of the state of the shocks as weight.
The Bible Studies in the different homes are coming close to wrapping up. Please pray for fruit and for a desire to study the Word further. Some of the fathers have started to leave the home whenever it’s time for the study, so obviously the Word is taking its effect.
In just a few weeks we will celebrate the anniversary of our first year in Peru. The time has slipped by so quickly. Please know that your prayers have been heard before the Lord, sometimes in ways we can share but many times in things we cannot share but are so aware of the abundance of God’s grace for the day.
In Him
Mark Kim and family