Dear friends, we have returned! Our flights all went well and our luggage made it through. We brought a water distiller back and even it made it through unscathed. We arrived in Peru September 1st and were met with a warm welcome from everyone. Since then we have vaulted right back into the thick of things.
We are thankful for everyone we were able to see this summer. It was a busy summer as we visited

We are happy to say that there are several new children at the home since we left. Perla and David have joined the home and are already well settled into their respective homes. It was also wonderful to hear that several of the children had professed salvation.
Lord willing in several weeks a group will be going up north again to continue the outreach in the north in Pelingara. There is another village close to Pelingara that has expressed interest and the hope is to visit them the next time. Please pray as we look forward to this again.
I am also happy to say that as of today I have completed all of the requirements for my Peruvian driver’s license. It was an interesting process given the nature of driving here in Peru. Kim once read that it is considered an ex
treme sport!
The school is progressing well and has only thirteen weeks of classes remaining before summ
er break. Nancy Clark (Tom’s sister) has come down to teach the English classes, so my sister Audrey can study Spanish. We are thankful for her help. We have already begu
n planning construction to be built later this year and early 2012. We hope to build two more classrooms and an office.

Tomorrow Kim and Dénis (a female teacher from the school) will be visiting a mother from the school who has expressed an interest in a Bible Study. Please remember this outreach as
In Him
Mark Kim and family