Dear friends, we would like to thank-you again for your prayers. It was two years on Oct 6 that we arrived in Peru, we are thankful for how the Lord has kept us.
Jessica has arrived We are excited that our daughter Jessica has arrived to visit and to help out while she is here. She is booked to stay until the end of April. She has already started in the K3 classroom and will be taking over as Hannah Gebbers the current teacher goes back to the US
Changes at the home Since we returned we discovered that three of the children from the home (a family of three; Nyeli, Segundo and Cynthia) are in the process of being adopedfor two months. Please pray for Jessica as she works with these children and for Hannah as she reconnects with family and friends in the US.

Evangelistic Team The team went north Oct 1-2 to preach and visit in Pelingara (where we have been visiting) then they went to a second village about 45 minutes away and were well received. In the will of the Lord we will return October 29-30 and have meetings in both villages. Please pray with us for wisdom as to how best meet this growing opportunity.ted. We are thankful as they have been waiting and praying for a family for some time. Please pray as things progress for them and their new family.
Bible Study Update The Bible Study Kim and Denis (a female teacher) have been conducting with a lady from the school has seemed to touch a chord as she is really opening up to the Word. Her husband has expressed interest but is often away at work. I have offered to hold a study with him. The family has since come out twice to Sunday School.
New Construction Planning Our school year is almost done and we already have the blueprints for a new building we hope to construct from November to February. We will build as the Lord provides a building with three floors: two classrooms and an office on the first floor, two more classrooms and a staff work room on the second floor and volunteer rooms on the third floor.
In Him
Mark Kim and family