Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank-you again for your prayers on our behalf. There are so many things I would like to share with you but I will limit to this page.
We live in a poor community and part of this is evident in the sad state of the family. So many families are torn apart, and the children pay the price of these divisions. Recently I heard how a fourteen year old young lady who comes to youth group but is without a father in her life was being pursued by a thirty-two year old married man, and sadly she was interested in his advances. Fortunately it was stopped but it shows the hunger for attention and love. Just last week the youth group hosted a evening at a local soccer field and invited a number of young people. During the meeting several professed salvation. Please pray there would be an evidence of their salvation.
Recently the mother of one of the men of our meeting died. He has 10 siblings and his mother had
eight. I went to the vigilia (wake) to
pay my respects and discovered that he is the only believer in his family. I went back for my first Peruvian funeral the
next day. He with his siblings carried
the casket the two kilometers through the town first for the funeral, and then
on to the cemetery for burial. The rest
of the family, friends and neighbours followed along behind.
We have begun planning for a work project in January of
2013. Please pray for wisdom as we
consider what it is God has in store. We
are considering removing the temporary roof and adding a second floor to the school
building that was started last year.
This would give another two classrooms and staff area with the goal to
add a third floor for housing for volunteers who come to help out. Several
people have asked about coming to help and we can only say that there will be
work, what that work is depends on what God provides.
Several people have also asked how about my health and
weight. The answer is they are a little bit better. I have gained a little. I had been for the most part fine from late
February to July but have experienced the Lord’s grace for stomach problems
again in the last month. We do thank-you for your prayers for this and in every
aspect of the Lord’s work here.
In Him
Mark Kim and