Dear praying friends. I pray that your fellowship with our
Lord is sweet and brings delight to His heart as well as to yours.
We are thankful again for the Lord’s
goodness. The family is home again and
starting to settle back into things.
School is starting for them as for most everyone in the northern
hemisphere. We are thankful that the
Lord provided for them to visit Canada once again. Taking children away from
their country and everything they know in their teenage years presents certain
challenges and one we did not feel we could ignore when we came to Peru. One
way God has helped to mitigate these is by providing for them to visit Canada
regularly. I am very glad to have them
come back again so that once again we are together. Please remember them as they settle in and
Jessica and Chris as they settle into life in Fredericton.
I thank-you for praying for Carlos and his daughter Karina,
they recently have professed their faith in Christ. The week after doing so I was encouraging
Carlos to read his Bible and he then proceeded to relate half the themes of the
book of John. A bit surprised I
commented that he knew the book quite well and he responded that I had already
suggested that he read it and so he had been.
Praise the Lord for his hunger.
Pray for their growth.
On August 26th
several believers were baptized, a mother with two of her children along with
two other young people. The mother was
saved through an outreach two years ago. Audrey has been visiting with her and Kim has
been having a Bible Study with her. Her
daughter has been waiting for several years to be baptized with the Christians. So guess who was the first one baptized on
Sunday followed by her brother and mother?
Please pray for these young believers.
Our young meeting has been facing some challenges as we
grow. The people are encountering
challenges as they apply some of the things they are learning. Pray as we seek to clearly teach the Word
that they would understand and be faithful to apply it.
Lord willing this week little Daniel will be leaving
us. He arrived about two years ago with
multiple bowel problems most of which have been dealt with. He is a healthy little boy, growing and
thriving. He will be going to a
Christian family from Germany.
We recently had a
Sunday school outreach inviting the families and children from the school we
thank the Lord for all of the families who came. Please pray for some lasting fruit. One family from the school has been coming
faithfully again. The wife was saved
last year and I met with the husband but although he admitted he was a sinner he
did not feel his condition was bad enough to need our Saviour, so please pray
for Edgar as he hears the Word.
In Him
Mark Kim and