"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

I have been slow to take this opportunity to send you some responses to prayer and some new prayer requests.

Our return to Peru went well, there were no problems getting in the country with flights, documents or immigration. We were met with lots of hugs from little to big on our arrival at the school and the local meeting.

We met with our landlord recently after our return and were informed that she planned to sell and move away.  We explained we were not in a position to purchase and asked if she would consider a rent to own for some friends of ours.  She ended up calling shortly afterward to say not to worry about anything (we are not sure quite what that means).  So we are staying where we are for now.

Recently the father of a sister from the assembly died.  We got to see more of Peruvian culture as we were part of much of the funeral process.  I was to drive the family to the hospital to visit the dad but when I arrived to pick them up he had already died, so I drove them first to the funeral shop to pick out a casket (10 minutes) then we went to the hospital.  It was late at night and so I offered to drive them home when they were done.  The casket arrived thirty minutes later and I ended up taking the deceased’s body home in the casket along with some very sad members.  The next day we visited the family to express our condolences and to offer help. The father was buried within forty eight hours and was preached over at least four times.   They carried his casket from his home where the wake was to the graveyard on the shoulders of the poll bearers (about 2.5 kms).  The casket was placed in a niche and then sealed with concrete immediately to avoid the casket being stolen. We then returned to the home of the deceased and they fed everyone. 

We have started again with a number of Bible Studies; it has been encouraging to see an interest, which in turn challenges us.  These are individual studies Kim carries on with some ladies and I with some men. Please pray for wisdom as we seek to wisely use the time we have.

Our documents are currently in Lima being renewed.  There has been no problem aside from a clerical error which will delay Kim’s for a month.  They have asked some additional documents for Jonathan but everything should be in order by the end of the year.  We are so thankful for this answer to prayer.

We have begun visiting the homes of the school children and are sharing the gospel in each home and leaving a copy of Ultimate Questions.  Some have led to more discussion – please pray for wisdom to respond to the many needs we encounter.

Jonathan is back to doing school at home.  He is taking Spanish lessons from a friend who is a teacher.  He also is taking guitar lessons.  The Lord graciously provided a teacher.  Kim and Jonathan went to the music school but it was closed for renovations.  On the way home the moto-taxi driver offered to take them to a teacher he knew.  It turns out he is a very good teacher and Jonathan is enjoying his lessons.

October 25th Strong Tower celebrated its 7th year anniversary.  We had a parade of torches (lit candles -something out of the question in Canada) and then a number of presentations in the town square.  To finish it all I shared the gospel to everyone in attendance.

God willing we will be going ahead with construction in December to house two new classrooms next year.  This will mean a busy summer as everything is prepared.  We are praying for people to help out as they are able.

In Him
Mark Kim and family