"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Greetings in the precious name of the Lord Jesus.


We wanted to update you on what is transpiring and ask for prayer as well.

God willing Monday March 23 Kim and Jonathan will be traveling to Canada.  I will follow April 13th. I am following later to keep our Peruvian visas active.  If we are out of the country for more than six months we lose our visa.  As father only I have to stay and the others can leave and request their visa based on mine when they return.


Please remember Jonathan as he reintegrates into North American life after spending the last 5.5 years here in Peru.  He will be entering his last year of high school in September.


God has provided us with some opportunities for which we are thankful.  Kim for the last month has been meeting with a lady who came to her telling her there was something missing in her life and she felt it was God.  She had met Kim two years before and when she realized what this void was remembered her and asked to visit.  Please pray for Rosa she seems to understand but comes from a religion of good works and it is hard to get past these works to salvation by faith alone.


The 29th of March there will be a baptism and one man (Luis) who professed salvation in November will be baptized.  We have been meeting weekly since October.  One of the brothers at the meeting has said he will continue to spend time with him in the Word.  Please pray he will be faithful.

Please remember Gloria a lady from the meeting (who invited me to preach the gospel in her home in January).  Some of her unsaved friends want to study the Word of God so I have been encouraging her to start preparing so she can teach them, but she is hesitant as she feels she does not know enough.  God has given her an open door with a number of people.


Also the father of her children recently has begun to express interest in the things of the Lord.  Interestingly enough he is working for a public works project and the engineer on the job is a Christian and every day before they start work has a devotional++ with them.

As you can see there are many things on our heart as we leave but we know the Lord is able to care for His own.


Recent rains have made our desert very wet and muddy and also causes a number of people to lose part of their homes as they are made of adobe (mud bricks) which are affected by the poor drainage or direct rain.

In the will of the Lord we would like to see many of you while the Lord has us in Canada.  In the will of the Lord we will be traveling to Ontario in late May (if we can escape the Maritime snow). 


In Him

Mark Kim and family

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ.  We are thankful for your prayers over the last months. 


The school year finished with lots of activity.  There were two graduations – one for kindergarten and one for primary.  The primary group actually were taken on a retreat that included staying overnight at a local retreat.  We had the opportunity to encourage them to stay firm as they leave the school since there is no secondary being offered at Strong Tower yet. 

We finished the school year with a chocolatada – everyone eats paneton (a sweet bread with fruit mixed through) and hot chocolate, we also had the children present songs and dramas and gave the people a message from God.

Our two daughters made it down for Christmas.  Jessica came down with her fiancé Scott and Lindsay came down with her friend Jessica.  We enjoyed our time with them although things were quite busy and they did get roped into helping with the school year end closing. It was nice to spend some time with them over the holidays.


Thank-you for praying for Delores.  She is a young mother in our meeting who recently became pregnant (fourth child).  Initially this caused conflict at home which has since been resolved.  We tried unsuccessfully to get in touch with her for several weeks after she told us, and finally found her at a local hospital.  She has been suffering from severe gastritis and morning sickness – so much so that she had been in for a month.  When we found her she was very low emotionally.

Through some financial assistance we had her checked at a specialist in town who gave her some meds to help her.  She is doing better although still in the hospital.  She is three months along in her pregnancy.


We had a rare privilege this week.  A lady from our meeting invited me to go to her home to share the gospel with three of her friends.  So Kim and I went and for two hours shared the gospel and answered questions.  Five people showed up although one lady was a saved mother who wanted her daughter to hear the good news.  They listened well and had good questions.  Please pray for them to see the light.  They are Adeila, Isabel and husband Carlos, Nancy.  God willing Kim and I will get do some follow-up with them.

I have been busy helping at the school painting and preparing for the summer school and next year.  I will be changing focus next month to pack up as we prepare to head back to Canada in April.  Our plan is to let our lease go on the house so we will be looking at moving everything.


We do not have any specific direction on what God will have us to do, but have seen many opportunities. We appreciate your prayers to know where we can best serve Him. For now He is keeping us busy here.


In Him

Mark Kim and family