"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Dear friends,
we want to send you greetings in the Lord’s name. We pray that you are enjoying your time
together during the holidays. I pray
that it was a reminder again of the great love that our Saviour has for us.

Thank-you: We want to thank-you
for all of your prayers and words of encouragement for Kim and her family
during this difficult time. The funeral was a testimony of the Lord’s saving
grace and we pray for fruit from it. We were thankful for all the Christians
who were able to attend the visitation and the funeral.

Jonathan and I returned from Canada November 21st and were followed
December 8th by Kim and Lindsay. Then December 20th Kim’s mom and Christopher arrived. Kim’s mom will be with us for three weeks,
and Christopher until March. Please
continue to pray for all the family impacted by the passing of Kim’s dad.

School Year End: We returned to Peru just in time for the
rush to wrap up the year (the school year is March to December). It has been busy with kindergarten graduation
and the school chocolatada (a tradition that involves hot chocolate and eating sweet
bread with fruit mixed in) and getting all the grades.

Construction: The new school building is well under
way. It is being built with bricks and
concrete as it is designed to be three floors. All the walls are up for the
first floor and we are looking at putting on a temporary roof and continuing
next year with the second floor. Volunteers have already started to arrive to
help out with the work here during the summer break.

Baptism: God willing January 1st we will have a
baptism, a number of new believers have expressed an interest. One couple asking to be baptized is in the
late sixties. They were saved last year
and are now ready to take this next step. They have been faithful in attending the meetings and so it’s an
encouragement to see them continue on in their faith.

Work in the North: Some of the new believers in the north have been
asking about baptism, so God willing we will have a baptism there some time in
the new year. There is a real need for
teaching there and we ask you to pray as we as an assembly look for leading. Visiting once a month really is not enough
with the opportunity, interest and new Christians.

specific request is for an English teacher for the school. We have one young lady who will be teaching
some of the classes but we are still in need of a full time English teacher.

In Him

Mark, Kim Jessica, Christopher, Lindsay and Jonathan

Dear friends, we would like to thank-you again for your prayers. It was two years on Oct 6 that we arrived in Peru, we are thankful for how the Lord has kept us.

Jessica has arrived We are excited that our daughter Jessica has arrived to visit and to help out while she is here. She is booked to stay until the end of April. She has already started in the K3 classroom and will be taking over as Hannah Gebbers the current teacher goes back to the US

Changes at the home
Since we returned we discovered that three of the children from the home (a family of three; Nyeli, Segundo and Cynthia) are in the process of being adopedfor two months. Please pray for Jessica as she works with these children and for Hannah as she reconnects with family and friends in the US.

Evangelistic Team The team went north Oct 1-2 to preach and visit in Pelingara (where we have been visiting) then they went to a second village about 45 minutes away and were well received. In the will of the Lord we will return October 29-30 and have meetings in both villages. Please pray with us for wisdom as to how best meet this growing opportunity.ted. We are thankful as they have been waiting and praying for a family for some time. Please pray as things progress for them and their new family.

Bible Study Update The Bible Study Kim and Denis (a female teacher) have been conducting with a lady from the school has seemed to touch a chord as she is really opening up to the Word. Her husband has expressed interest but is often away at work. I have offered to hold a study with him. The family has since come out twice to Sunday School.

New Construction Planning Our school year is almost done and we already have the blueprints for a new building we hope to construct from November to February. We will build as the Lord provides a building with three floors: two classrooms and an office on the first floor, two more classrooms and a staff work room on the second floor and volunteer rooms on the third floor.

In Him

Mark Kim and family

Dear friends, we have returned! Our flights all went well and our luggage made it through. We brought a water distiller back and even it made it through unscathed. We arrived in Peru September 1st and were met with a warm welcome from everyone. Since then we have vaulted right back into the thick of things.

We are thankful for everyone we were able to see this summer. It was a busy summer as we visited

as many places as we could and tried to find all the things we cannot get in Peru (for me pants and shoes). Then of course to try some of the things we missed eating. One of the hard parts for us was leaving our oldest son Christopher behind. We will miss him, but he is working and settling into life in PEI. Lindsay and Jonathan came with us and Lord willing Jessica will be coming down from Oct to April to help out and to visit with us.

We are happy to say that there are several new children at the home since we left. Perla and David have joined the home and are already well settled into their respective homes. It was also wonderful to hear that several of the children had professed salvation.

Lord willing in several weeks a group will be going up north again to continue the outreach in the north in Pelingara. There is another village close to Pelingara that has expressed interest and the hope is to visit them the next time. Please pray as we look forward to this again.

I am also happy to say that as of today I have completed all of the requirements for my Peruvian driver’s license. It was an interesting process given the nature of driving here in Peru. Kim once read that it is considered an ex

treme sport!

The school is progressing well and has only thirteen weeks of classes remaining before summ

er break. Nancy Clark (Tom’s sister) has come down to teach the English classes, so my sister Audrey can study Spanish. We are thankful for her help. We have already begu

n planning construction to be built later this year and early 2012. We hope to build two more classrooms and an office.

Tomorrow Kim and Dénis (a female teacher from the school) will be visiting a mother from the school who has expressed an interest in a Bible Study. Please remember this outreach as


In Him

Mark Kim and family

Hello everyone! I am sending an update on some of the events of the last month and how the Lord is working answering prayer.

Last weekend I was able to travel to the north again. We held a meeting and were thankful as a good group came out. This time we found they were more attentive during the message (a few less dog fights, and pig squeals). We also were able to follow-up with a number of people who had started Bible courses. In several homes one of the spouses requested the course but the other sat in as well. One group was eight young people who had actually done a number of the studies instead of only the first one. I challenged them to read the Bible each day. Please pray for this opportunity.

Then this past week a couple arrived from the US to adopt three of the children (Hugo, Olenka and Cecia) in answer to our prayers. They are both believers so it was wonderful as we saw them coming in to meet the children and spend time with them and then finally today at our monthly Friendship meal they came and said goodbye. They still have several weeks in the country getting paper work done before they will leave.

Please remember to pray for the children left behind. Hugo had one good friend Segundo who will miss him sorely, especially as Segundo and his two sisters want so much to be adopted. There were lots of tears shed as they said their goodbyes, especially by the house parents who have cared for them for the last two years.

The school also put on a mother’s day program with around 250 in attendance. Tom preached a clear gospel message, showing them the way of life. Mother’s day is big here and celebrated with bands and parades.

The three boys who were with us for nearly six months left recently to stay at the children’s home. They have adjusted well and are fitting in with their new family (the house parents actually are related).

Please remember to pray as we travel home. We leave Peru June 15th and return September 1st in God’s will. We hope to see many of you!

Thank-you again for your prayers we need them and appreciate them.

In Him

Mark Kim and family

Greetings in the Lord’s name! We pray your faith is strengthened each day as you await His return.

We wanted to update you on things that have transpired since we last wrote. First of all thank-you for your prayers, we are now moved into a house in Ferreñafe which is larger than our apartment in Chiclayo and is much closer to the school, children’s home and meeting. Blue helped us get some initial repairs done and they are ongoing as we set up house. Please note the change in address and phone numbers so when you come to visit you can find us. J

School has also started at Strong Tower Christian School with over 100 students registered. We are currently teaching from K3 to Grade 3. We have had our first Parents meeting with over 75 parents in attendance. Pray for us as we share the gospel with the students and the parents. We hope to recommence surveys of each home; the last question asks if they would like a Bible Study in their home. Last year we had 100% participation and had to stop at 25 Bible Studies. Several people since have professed salvation, and several have started to attend the meetings.

Another note for praise is that several families from around the world have requested to adopt children from the home. Please pray for everything to transpire so this can happen as well pray for the children who are not adopted yet. This will also open the doors for the three brothers in our home to move over to the children’s home. One of the house parents is actually related to them so they are excited at the prospect of having them there.

We also have a ladies’ meeting bi-weekly which Kim participates in, this meeting is an outreach in the community. Generally there are twenty or so women but this last week there were forty-six. Please pray for them as the gospel is shared.

Finally, in February a sister of one of the ladies (Juana) from the assembly died. She lived with her parents five hours north of here. During the visit for the funeral an interest was expressed in learning the Words of Life. Juana’s husband (Jorge) went for a follow-up visit to see if there was sustained interest. Each of the homes he visited said yes they would like to have a Bible Study. God willing April 16th Jorge, Alberto and I will go to their village to share the Gospel. Please pray for this endeavor.

We have purchased tickets to return to Canada. We arrive June 17th and depart August 31st God willing. We hope to visit as many of you as possible during this time.

In Him

Mark Kim and Family

Dear praying friends, once again we like to update you on some of the recent events so you can pray more intelligently.

The year ended with a flurry of activity as we enjoyed the holidays together. Christmas saw us at the children’s home for a barbeque lunch followed by some games and a fashion show by the kids. For New Years a friend and former colleague from Canada came to visit and work at the children’s home.

Several volunteers started work on the new classrooms in early January. I was able to help out for a few days but ended up spending a few days in the hospital with one of the volunteers who needed an appendectomy. His Spanish was limited so I translated (although grimaces of pain are the same in every language). He has recovered well from the surgery.

A group from PEI came down to do take the building through almost to the finished stages. It was an encouragement to see so many of our friends make the long trip to work here and fellowship with us. We are thankful for how the Lord has provided for us in every way.

The three brothers are still with us and will probably continue until we are able to build another house (which would have two units). Please pray we will know God’s direction for this. Just this past week two boys were brought to the home who had been abandoned (age 1 & 6), unfortunately they left the next day as there was no space.

We have located a house in Ferreñafe, and God willing will be moving there later this month. This will allow us to be closer to the work and will provide more space for the children (eight of us in an apartment has made for close fellowship, esp. when three are five and under).

We have a large number of young people at the assembly. Please pray that they will be faithful as they face the temptations in the world around them. We want so much for them to go on but they must make their own decisions.

In Him

Mark, Kim and Family