Greetings in the Lord’s name! We pray your faith is strengthened each day as you await His return.
We wanted to update you on things that have transpired since we last wrote. First of all thank-you for your prayers, we are now moved into a house in Ferreñafe which is larger than our apartment in Chiclayo and is much closer to the school, children’s home and meeting. Blue helped us get some initial repairs done and they are ongoing as we set up house. Please note the change in address and phone numbers so when you come to visit you can find us. J

School has also started at Strong Tower Christian School with over 100 students registered. We are currently teaching from K3 to Grade 3. We have had our first Parents meeting with over 75 parents in attendance. Pray for us as we share the gospel with the students and the parents. We hope to recommence surveys of each home; the last question asks if they would like a Bible Study in their home. Last year we had 100% participation and had to stop at 25 Bible Studies. Several people since have professed salvation, and several have started to attend the meetings.
Another note for praise is that several families from around the world have requested to adopt children from the home. Please pray for everything to transpire so this can happen as well pray for the children who are not adopted yet. This will also open the doors for the three brothers in our home to move over to the children’s home. One of the house parents is actually related to them so they are excited at the prospect of having them there.
We also have a ladies’ meeting bi-weekly which Kim participates in, this meeting is an outreach in the community. Generally there are twenty or so women but this last week there were forty-six. Please pray for them as the gospel is shared.
Finally, in February a sister of one of the ladies (Juana) from the assembly died. She lived with her parents five hours north of here. During the visit for the funeral an interest was expressed in learning the Words of Life. Juana’s husband (Jorge) went for a follow-up visit to see if there was sustained interest. Each of the homes he visited said yes they would like to have a Bible Study. God willing April 16th Jorge, Alberto and I will go to their village to share the Gospel. Please pray for this endeavor.
We have purchased tickets to return to Canada. We arrive June 17th and depart August 31st God willing. We hope to visit as many of you as possible during this time.
In Him
Mark Kim and Family
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