October 26th we celebrated the school’s anniversary with a parade through town. The teachers and parents decorated everything from flatbed trucks to mototaxis and then the children all dressed up and rode through town. A side effect of this parade is that more parents are coming to enroll their children. As we see the school growing it means we also encounter many more challenging cases. Each one takes divine wisdom to understand what is best for them and the school. Along with this we have almost enough applications for K4 for two classes but we only have one classroom.
Isaiah 41:10-11
October 26th we celebrated the school’s anniversary with a parade through town. The teachers and parents decorated everything from flatbed trucks to mototaxis and then the children all dressed up and rode through town. A side effect of this parade is that more parents are coming to enroll their children. As we see the school growing it means we also encounter many more challenging cases. Each one takes divine wisdom to understand what is best for them and the school. Along with this we have almost enough applications for K4 for two classes but we only have one classroom.
September 11, 2012

Mark Kim and family
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank-you again for your prayers on our behalf. There are so many things I would like to share with you but I will limit to this page.
We live in a poor community and part of this is evident in the sad state of the family. So many families are torn apart, and the children pay the price of these divisions. Recently I heard how a fourteen year old young lady who comes to youth group but is without a father in her life was being pursued by a thirty-two year old married man, and sadly she was interested in his advances. Fortunately it was stopped but it shows the hunger for attention and love. Just last week the youth group hosted a evening at a local soccer field and invited a number of young people. During the meeting several professed salvation. Please pray there would be an evidence of their salvation.
Next week Kim and the children will go back to Canada for a visit with family. Please pray for their safety as they travel and are away from home.
In Him
Mark, Kim and family
O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy
endureth for ever Psalm 118:29. We want
to send a thank-you to you for your prayers. We have seen the Lord at work as He has kept and guided over the last
few very busy months.
Answered Prayer: First an answer to prayer. For some time we have prayed for Jonathan to
find a friend. In December a missionary family from South Africa moved in just
around the corner. They have a boy just
younger than Jonathan and a girl Lindsay’s age. They have already become friends. Thank-you for praying.
School work: Although school closed Dec 15th
we have been busy as government laws changed, requiring us to work on finishing
school documents until February 8th. During this time school
registration has been ongoing and increased. By God’s grace we will have nearly
50 students more this year. This will
give us so many more opportunities to share the gospel with them and their
families. Please pray as we are still in need of an English teacher for this
Construction: We have also worked with the
different groups of volunteers that have come to work on the new
classrooms. It has been an
encouragement to see them come and help out; their enthusiasm is great. This also meant we were busy helping
coordinate things and letting them see and experience a bit of Peru.
A few people thought we should get away for a bit. So through
their help we went north for three days to a beach house with the family and
some friends from our home assembly. It was quiet (no motos, dogs barking all
night or turkeys or roosters).
Edgar: Please continue to pray for Edgar,
he has been working lately and so we have not been able to meet for our regular
studies. He has still not put his faith
in Christ and life is so short.
Health: Many people who visit end up feeling
the effects of the change in diet (the food is great but the bacteria that can
come with it can be a challenge). We
have all suffered with this but I am the only one who seems to be unable to
restore the weight I lose. This is especially a concern for my wife because of
the daily winds we have here on the coast, she is afraid I will blow away. Please pray that my stomach will adjust and
that I would start regaining the weight that was lost.
Local Work: One of the challenges for the local Christians is their work. They only
have work in the fields to last barely 5 months and then they struggle the rest
of the year locating work. No work here means they may not eat. Some travel to
other parts of the country leaving their family behind. Since many are young in
the faith, it makes it difficult to disciple them.
God willing we travel to the north February 17th
and 18th. Please pray as we
share the good news and spend time with new believers.
In Him
Mark, Kim, Jessica,
Christopher, Lindsay and Jonathan