"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Dear friends in Christ
We wanted to update you on some of the recent activities so you can pray more effectively.  We also want to thank-you for your prayers.

Christian School: School is up and running and with it comes the opportunity each day to share the wonderful news with the children and families.  As this is a community with limited resources many of the children come from poor homes and we try to present the gospel so that they are only drawn by the Lord and nothing more.  We recently had our parent teacher meeting and I was especially pleased to see a large number of fathers in attendance.  Please pray for the seeds sown during these meetings.

Rain in the desert: A little while ago, we had three nights of rain in a row (about 4-5 hours of steady rain each time which is very unusual), which resulted in the streets being flooded and our section of the village deep in mud (virtually impassable) because there is no storm sewer system.  A house in front of the school encountered a snake in their roof and when they killed it the roof in the front part of their house collapsed.  The house is now being repaired.  Also as a result of the rain a brother from the assembly was cleaning up the street and had the opportunity to lead a young man to the Lord.

Northern expeditions: We have continued to visit up north. There continues to be a good interest in the Word of God.  The last trip, one of the new Christians started on a new Bible course focusing on Christian growth. Please pray for these Christians and that God would provide more frequent visits to the area. 
On a cultural note, here in Peru the school children practice earthquake drills instead of fire drills. We recently had a simulation to show them how to respond, complete with the wounded and the nurses (all students).

Opportunities for Kim: Kim has been visiting an unsaved lady whose husband is in fellowship, she is quite open and says she is waiting until she is ready so when she commits it is not a flash in the pan.  Recently another lady has asked Kim to come and visit her as well, specifically to learn about the Bible.  Along with all of this Kim is teaching English to the teachers.
Goodbye: We were sad to see our children leaving to return to Canada.  Jessica and Chris returned to Canada last month. We are thankful that they both have work in Fredericton where they will attend university in September – God willing.  Please remember them.

Ongoing needs: We are still praying for God to send along an English teacher and for a K3 teacher.  Hannah who has been doing the lion’s share of the English will be returning to the US in May for a month.  God has provided a volunteer from Saskatchewan while she is gone. Katie who is leading the K3 class leaves to resume her studies in August so we are watching to see how God provides for this opportunity.

Visiting youth: A group of young people from South Africa were visiting some missionary friends of ours.  As part of their work, they went up into the mountains to preach the gospel. They told us of some of the needs and the darkness.  There are so many opportunities.  We were happy to have them over for supper one evening and hear some of their stories (yes 18 of us).
Local Assembly: In the local assembly we have started studying Colossians in our men’s study.  It has been encouraging to see these men starting to come along.  Seeing their responsibility as part of the assembly and being burdened to see the growth of the local work.

In Him
Mark, Kim and family

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