"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Dear praying friends, we are writing to you as we prepare everything to return to Peru.  God willing we will be traveling back to Peru September 16th and arriving home in Ferreñafe the following day.  We are including a few items for your consideration in prayer.
Travel: We are thankful for God’s protection as we have traveled many kilometers around Quebec and the Maritimes this summer visiting. It has been encouraging as we have spent time with many of you.

Wedding and family: My sister Audrey was married the end of June and all of my family (parents, brothers, and extended family) attended.  After the wedding we spent some time together.  It was the first time we were all together in eighteen years.
 Leaving:  It is time to return to Peru but when we do, it will be only Kim, Jonathan and me.   Lindsay has just graduated and will be staying in Moncton living with her grandmother and working.  Part of our reason for coming home was to see her settled.  Jessica and Christopher will both be returning to University in Fredericton New Brunswick.  Please remember them all as we leave.

New Accommodations: Upon return one of the things we will address is our accommodations. The landlord has increased the rent and informed us she has put the house up for sale.  We are not in a position to purchase the home, so it appears we will be looking for new accommodations. The options are limited in our village but we only need one place to live.  Please pray for wisdom and the right place.
The School: The school is going ahead well and is now in its third semester.  The return to classes after the winter break (July 29-Aug 9) was delayed by one week for Primary and two weeks for Kindergarten because of the risk of the children contacting the H1N1 virus. 

New Construction: God willing we will start registration for the next school year (March 2014) November 1st. We already have thirty-six students preregistered for our K3 class which has 24 spots. We also would like to add the sixth grade to the school so the students in fifth grade can stay with us and move.  The challenge is that we have no more classrooms, so please pray for the provision to build two new classrooms.

Children’s home: On a different note the three little brothers we cared for from the children’s home have been adopted by a family in Lima. Please pray that what they have been taught will bear fruit in their lives.
Also David a young boy at the children’s home has returned to be with his family that live in Chiclayo.  He will continue to attend Strong Tower Christian School for the rest of the year. Then Solomon (a baby who was abandoned on a bus) has recently gone to live with a Peruvian family.

Gloria: Please continue to pray for our friend Gloria who is suffering from liver cancer.  She has recently started chemotherapy.  Gloria and her husband Carlos have been very active with the young people so her absence is felt keenly.

Visitation: Upon return I will be carrying on the visitation of the families from the school.  It is an open door to share the gospel, but requires wisdom. Both Kim and I will also need wisdom as to which Bible Studies to resume.

Baptism: We were happy to hear of the recent baptism of a number of the believers from our assembly in Peru.  We have watched them grow and are happy to see this step of obedience.  Please pray for them that they would be faithful.

In Him

Mark Kim and family

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