"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Hello from sunny Peru.  We are thankful each day as we see God’s faithfulness in action.

We saw it as He has brought along several teams from North America.  One group from PEI came down to help prepare the school buildings for the New Year.  They were followed by a group from the states who have continued with the classroom preparations.  It was encouraging to see familiar faces and to be able to have them help us out.

The new building is mostly ready for the start of school on March 6th.  The second and third floors were added to a building that had two classes and the office.  We now have two more classes completed on the second floor with some work still to be done on the third.

We are thankful for the 220 students from grades K3 (3 years old) up to grade 6 who are attending.  This is the first year for grade six.  We are already working on the paperwork to start secondary next year.  Please pray as we pray that each child comes to Christ and that we can visit each family to speak to them about the Lord.  We had our first parent teacher meeting last week with a good turnout and gave them the gospel.

Please continue to pray for Carlos and Karina.  They had professed salvation a while back but we were not able to connect since our return and they had not been out to the meetings.  However since January they have made it to several of the meetings.  They are babes in Christ so pray for them to grow and to show the nature of a true baby – the desire for milk (the Bible).

Three weeks ago, a young lady from the meeting was baptized.  She professed salvation in November and several weeks ago asked to be baptized.  Her husband is not saved and I have been meeting with him going through the Word.  Please remember him, his name is Segundo. 

Our sister Lesvia was saved a few years ago and has been growing in the Lord.  She has been under enormous pressure as she cares for her four children.  In January she fell ill and has struggled to recover it.  Please remember her as well as Gloria and Carlos.  Gloria is still going through cancer treatments for her liver although the prognosis is not good.  She and Carlos have kept their eyes on the Lord throughout this time.

As you might have heard little Daniel has been adopted.  He was the little boy who showed up at the home with multiple health problems shortly after birth.  God graciously provided the needed care and he has had surgery for most of his problems.  Last month he was adopted by a Christian family from the States. He is four and was very excited.

We ask for your prayers as we stay busy with many different things and for wisdom as we encounter situations and challenges which demand God’s wisdom.

In Him

Mark Kim and family

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