"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11
Dear praying friends we again want to thank-you for your prayers on our behalf.  We know they are heard by our Father.  Recently we had a stark reminder of His care and response to prayer.  A bit over a week ago we made our trip to the north to share the gospel.  It was well received especially in the new village where a good number came out to hear the gospel and stayed to see a short evangelistic film (you can see some of the people above).  On our return home we were passing through a town when the steering on the combi (a large passenger van we use) broke loose.  Praise God we were slowly making a turn and were able to stop before hitting anyone.  We were so thankful it happened there and not on some of the steep hills we had to traverse.
We rejoiced recently to see three new believers baptized.  In meeting with one young lady she shared how she wanted to go on for the Lord and not falter in her faith and so she wanted to take this step of obedience.  Kim has been visiting with her and her mother who is not saved.  Her mother asked if Kim would come and specifically talk about spiritual matters.

I have been working through Genesis with the fourth grade and one student in particular has been asking questions about sin and salvation.
We have had several new additions at the children’s home. One baby of eight months was abandoned at the back of a bus in Chiclayo.  We have no information for him so he has been named Solomon.  He is a sweet little guy who is drinking in the attention he is receiving from his new parents, brothers and sisters at the children’s home.

Next week Kim and the children will go back to Canada for a visit with family.  Please pray for their safety as they travel and are away from home.

In Him
Mark Kim and family