"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Dear friends in Christ, the time is quickly flying by and so there is so much to be done, I pray that you are redeeming the time.

We wanted to share a few things that have been going on and request again your prayers.  Recently two young ladies left the children’s home.  Claudia was in grade one and has been adopted by a couple from Italy.  Rita was a sweet thirteen year old girl, with us since May. She heard the gospel and was saved a few months ago.  I teach her in third grade (she was that far behind from living in the mountains) and she was quite ready to share what it meant to be a Christian. She soon asked when she could be baptized.  We had planned a baptism for later in November but found out suddenly that she would be returning to the mountains to live. So she was baptized Sunday and indeed she left this Tuesday.  Pray for her as she bears the light in the mountains.
Recently one of the teachers from the school was speaking of the book of life to her K5 class.  Anghelo (one of the most rambunctious boys) piped up to say that he knew his name was written in the book of life!  How did he know this?  He had trusted Jesus as his Saviour.  Then to top it off he proceeded to say he wanted to learn how to read so now he could read his Bible and indeed he has been pestering his mother (not a Christian as far as I know) to read him the Bible so he  could learn.  Out of the mouth of babes!

October 26th we celebrated the school’s anniversary with a parade through town.  The teachers and parents decorated everything from flatbed trucks to mototaxis and then the children all dressed up and rode through town.  A side effect of this parade is that more parents are coming to enroll their children.  As we see the school growing it means we also encounter many more challenging cases.  Each one takes divine wisdom to understand what is best for them and the school.  Along with this we have almost enough applications for K4 for two classes but we only have one classroom.

Kim was commenting recently how several new mothers from the school have been attending the ladies meeting. They meet twice a month when they have a workshop a snack and a message, please pray for them to meet the Lord of light.
Recently I was looking back at how God had provided English teachers for this year.  It was a real answer to prayer and a time for thanksgiving as I saw how He supplied what the need.  Once again we ask you to pray for the next year that we would have the English teachers we need for the school.

In Him

Mark Kim and Family

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ hello from Peru.  We are now looking back over the last three years as we remember arriving here three years ago.  What was foreign at the time, the noises (there are lots), the smells (some are very unique), the hot dry weather, the driving (almost has extreme sport status), some interesting habits (why do they keep moving their cell phone from their mouth to their ear?) have become a new way of life as we learn the language and the ways of the people here.  We are so thankful for the Lord’s sustaining grace which has kept us and keeps us.

A lot has happened in the last month.  The school had its spring picnic September 15th and we were glad to see many families come out with their children.  We have games for the family and then eat lunch together.  In the afternoon we divided the children and parents (so they parents could hear undisturbed and gave a gospel message followed by a volleyball and football championship.

Many of you have prayed for little Daniel, the Lord saw fit that that he would remain with us at Morning Star as his adoption did not go through.  Several other children are either ready to be adopted or almost ready, so please pray that the Lord would provide for each one.

Kim has been visiting with a lady from the community who has been coming to the meetings. Last week during Kim’s visit she told Kim she had put her trust in Christ.  She had wanted to for some time but was waiting for an invitation.  On two different Sundays she shared with someone at the meeting that she was waiting for an invitation and both times she was told she need not wait but could be saved on her own.  So she then went home and prayed on her own.  She told Kim I asked God not to let me die until I got saved.  Immediately afterward she said, now I want to be baptized to show my obedience.

Please pray for our young men.  One brother in the meeting who has been faithful and a big help was without work and so one day left to join the army.  We keenly felt his absence as he was helping a lot.  However, after only a month in  army he was discharged for medical reasons, so now he is back home again. Please pray that he will find work and not be discouraged by this.  What was an encouragement was that one of the new Christians was telling him not to be discouraged by this but to trust God.

This past month while teaching Christian Education to fourth grade I was reviewing Jacob and the ladder he saw when a student asked, “if we are all sinners how can we get to heaven?”  My lesson took a sharp turn for that day as he continued to ask very good questions for the next fifteen minutes.  Pray for Martin as he continues to seek the Lord.

In Him

Mark Kim and family


September 11, 2012

Dear praying friends. I pray that your fellowship with our Lord is sweet and brings delight to His heart as well as to yours.
We are thankful again for the Lord’s goodness.  The family is home again and starting to settle back into things.  School is starting for them as for most everyone in the northern hemisphere.  We are thankful that the Lord provided for them to visit Canada once again. Taking children away from their country and everything they know in their teenage years presents certain challenges and one we did not feel we could ignore when we came to Peru. One way God has helped to mitigate these is by providing for them to visit Canada regularly.  I am very glad to have them come back again so that once again we are together.  Please remember them as they settle in and Jessica and Chris as they settle into life in Fredericton.

I thank-you for praying for Carlos and his daughter Karina, they recently have professed their faith in Christ.  The week after doing so I was encouraging Carlos to read his Bible and he then proceeded to relate half the themes of the book of John.  A bit surprised I commented that he knew the book quite well and he responded that I had already suggested that he read it and so he had been.  Praise the Lord for his hunger.  Pray for their growth.
On August 26th several believers were baptized, a mother with two of her children along with two other young people.  The mother was saved through an outreach two years ago.  Audrey has been visiting with her and Kim has been having a Bible Study with her.  Her daughter has been waiting for several years to be baptized with the Christians.  So guess who was the first one baptized on Sunday followed by her brother and mother?  Please pray for these young believers.

Our young meeting has been facing some challenges as we grow.  The people are encountering challenges as they apply some of the things they are learning.  Pray as we seek to clearly teach the Word that they would understand and be faithful to apply it.
Lord willing this week little Daniel will be leaving us.  He arrived about two years ago with multiple bowel problems most of which have been dealt with.  He is a healthy little boy, growing and thriving.  He will be going to a Christian family from Germany.

We recently had a Sunday school outreach inviting the families and children from the school we thank the Lord for all of the families who came.  Please pray for some lasting fruit.  One family from the school has been coming faithfully again.  The wife was saved last year and I met with the husband but although he admitted he was a sinner he did not feel his condition was bad enough to need our Saviour, so please pray for Edgar as he hears the Word.
In Him
Mark Kim and family

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, thank-you again for your prayers on our behalf.  There are so many things I would like to share with you but I will limit to this page.

Kim is staying in Canada longer than anticipated due to some incomplete medical work.  Lord willing she will return August 18th.  She has been missed by many of the people here and especially by me.  Jonathan has been thankful for a bit longer break but will be returning as well the 18th with Lindsay following in early September.
I would ask you to pray for Carlos and Karina a father and his thirteen year old daughter.  I have been meeting with them every week studying the Bible.  Neither is saved but the daughter has a good understanding and both are seeking.  One challenge is that I don’t go there until 8:30 pm when Karina finishes school, which means after small talk and all we don’t finish until at the earliest 10:30.  Unfortunately Carlos gets up at 5:30 so he’s dosing off by the time we wrap up.  Please pray for their salvation and for Carlos to stay awake.

We live in a poor community and part of this is evident in the sad state of the family.  So many families are torn apart, and the children pay the price of these divisions.  Recently I heard how a fourteen year old young lady who comes to youth group but is without a father in her life was being pursued by a thirty-two year old married man, and sadly she was interested in his advances.  Fortunately it was stopped but it shows the hunger for attention and love. Just last week the youth group hosted a evening at a local soccer field and invited a number of young people.  During the meeting several professed salvation.  Please pray there would be an evidence of their salvation.

Recently the mother of one of the men of our meeting died.  He has 10 siblings and his mother had eight.  I went to the vigilia (wake) to pay my respects and discovered that he is the only believer in his family.  I went back for my first Peruvian funeral the next day.  He with his siblings carried the casket the two kilometers through the town first for the funeral, and then on to the cemetery for burial.  The rest of the family, friends and neighbours followed along behind.
We have begun planning for a work project in January of 2013.  Please pray for wisdom as we consider what it is God has in store.  We are considering removing the temporary roof and adding a second floor to the school building that was started last year.  This would give another two classrooms and staff area with the goal to add a third floor for housing for volunteers who come to help out. Several people have asked about coming to help and we can only say that there will be work, what that work is depends on what God provides.

Several people have also asked how about my health and weight. The answer is they are a little bit better.  I have gained a little.  I had been for the most part fine from late February to July but have experienced the Lord’s grace for stomach problems again in the last month. We do thank-you for your prayers for this and in every aspect of the Lord’s work here.
In Him

Mark Kim and family
Dear praying friends we again want to thank-you for your prayers on our behalf.  We know they are heard by our Father.  Recently we had a stark reminder of His care and response to prayer.  A bit over a week ago we made our trip to the north to share the gospel.  It was well received especially in the new village where a good number came out to hear the gospel and stayed to see a short evangelistic film (you can see some of the people above).  On our return home we were passing through a town when the steering on the combi (a large passenger van we use) broke loose.  Praise God we were slowly making a turn and were able to stop before hitting anyone.  We were so thankful it happened there and not on some of the steep hills we had to traverse.
We rejoiced recently to see three new believers baptized.  In meeting with one young lady she shared how she wanted to go on for the Lord and not falter in her faith and so she wanted to take this step of obedience.  Kim has been visiting with her and her mother who is not saved.  Her mother asked if Kim would come and specifically talk about spiritual matters.

I have been working through Genesis with the fourth grade and one student in particular has been asking questions about sin and salvation.
We have had several new additions at the children’s home. One baby of eight months was abandoned at the back of a bus in Chiclayo.  We have no information for him so he has been named Solomon.  He is a sweet little guy who is drinking in the attention he is receiving from his new parents, brothers and sisters at the children’s home.

Next week Kim and the children will go back to Canada for a visit with family.  Please pray for their safety as they travel and are away from home.

In Him
Mark Kim and family

Dear friends in Christ
We wanted to update you on some of the recent activities so you can pray more effectively.  We also want to thank-you for your prayers.

Christian School: School is up and running and with it comes the opportunity each day to share the wonderful news with the children and families.  As this is a community with limited resources many of the children come from poor homes and we try to present the gospel so that they are only drawn by the Lord and nothing more.  We recently had our parent teacher meeting and I was especially pleased to see a large number of fathers in attendance.  Please pray for the seeds sown during these meetings.

Rain in the desert: A little while ago, we had three nights of rain in a row (about 4-5 hours of steady rain each time which is very unusual), which resulted in the streets being flooded and our section of the village deep in mud (virtually impassable) because there is no storm sewer system.  A house in front of the school encountered a snake in their roof and when they killed it the roof in the front part of their house collapsed.  The house is now being repaired.  Also as a result of the rain a brother from the assembly was cleaning up the street and had the opportunity to lead a young man to the Lord.

Northern expeditions: We have continued to visit up north. There continues to be a good interest in the Word of God.  The last trip, one of the new Christians started on a new Bible course focusing on Christian growth. Please pray for these Christians and that God would provide more frequent visits to the area. 
On a cultural note, here in Peru the school children practice earthquake drills instead of fire drills. We recently had a simulation to show them how to respond, complete with the wounded and the nurses (all students).

Opportunities for Kim: Kim has been visiting an unsaved lady whose husband is in fellowship, she is quite open and says she is waiting until she is ready so when she commits it is not a flash in the pan.  Recently another lady has asked Kim to come and visit her as well, specifically to learn about the Bible.  Along with all of this Kim is teaching English to the teachers.
Goodbye: We were sad to see our children leaving to return to Canada.  Jessica and Chris returned to Canada last month. We are thankful that they both have work in Fredericton where they will attend university in September – God willing.  Please remember them.

Ongoing needs: We are still praying for God to send along an English teacher and for a K3 teacher.  Hannah who has been doing the lion’s share of the English will be returning to the US in May for a month.  God has provided a volunteer from Saskatchewan while she is gone. Katie who is leading the K3 class leaves to resume her studies in August so we are watching to see how God provides for this opportunity.

Visiting youth: A group of young people from South Africa were visiting some missionary friends of ours.  As part of their work, they went up into the mountains to preach the gospel. They told us of some of the needs and the darkness.  There are so many opportunities.  We were happy to have them over for supper one evening and hear some of their stories (yes 18 of us).
Local Assembly: In the local assembly we have started studying Colossians in our men’s study.  It has been encouraging to see these men starting to come along.  Seeing their responsibility as part of the assembly and being burdened to see the growth of the local work.

In Him
Mark, Kim and family

O give thanks unto the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy
endureth for ever Psalm 118:29. We want
to send a thank-you to you for your prayers. We have seen the Lord at work as He has kept and guided over the last
few very busy months.

Answered Prayer: First an answer to prayer. For some time we have prayed for Jonathan to
find a friend. In December a missionary family from South Africa moved in just
around the corner. They have a boy just
younger than Jonathan and a girl Lindsay’s age. They have already become friends. Thank-you for praying.

School work: Although school closed Dec 15th
we have been busy as government laws changed, requiring us to work on finishing
school documents until February 8th. During this time school
registration has been ongoing and increased. By God’s grace we will have nearly
50 students more this year. This will
give us so many more opportunities to share the gospel with them and their
families. Please pray as we are still in need of an English teacher for this

Construction: We have also worked with the
different groups of volunteers that have come to work on the new
classrooms. It has been an
encouragement to see them come and help out; their enthusiasm is great. This also meant we were busy helping
coordinate things and letting them see and experience a bit of Peru.

A few people thought we should get away for a bit. So through
their help we went north for three days to a beach house with the family and
some friends from our home assembly. It was quiet (no motos, dogs barking all
night or turkeys or roosters).

Edgar: Please continue to pray for Edgar,
he has been working lately and so we have not been able to meet for our regular
studies. He has still not put his faith
in Christ and life is so short.

Health: Many people who visit end up feeling
the effects of the change in diet (the food is great but the bacteria that can
come with it can be a challenge). We
have all suffered with this but I am the only one who seems to be unable to
restore the weight I lose. This is especially a concern for my wife because of
the daily winds we have here on the coast, she is afraid I will blow away. Please pray that my stomach will adjust and
that I would start regaining the weight that was lost.

Local Work: One of the challenges for the local Christians is their work. They only
have work in the fields to last barely 5 months and then they struggle the rest
of the year locating work. No work here means they may not eat. Some travel to
other parts of the country leaving their family behind. Since many are young in
the faith, it makes it difficult to disciple them.

God willing we travel to the north February 17th
and 18th. Please pray as we
share the good news and spend time with new believers.

In Him

Mark, Kim, Jessica,
Christopher, Lindsay and Jonathan