"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Hello everyone! I am sending an update on some of the events of the last month and how the Lord is working answering prayer.

Last weekend I was able to travel to the north again. We held a meeting and were thankful as a good group came out. This time we found they were more attentive during the message (a few less dog fights, and pig squeals). We also were able to follow-up with a number of people who had started Bible courses. In several homes one of the spouses requested the course but the other sat in as well. One group was eight young people who had actually done a number of the studies instead of only the first one. I challenged them to read the Bible each day. Please pray for this opportunity.

Then this past week a couple arrived from the US to adopt three of the children (Hugo, Olenka and Cecia) in answer to our prayers. They are both believers so it was wonderful as we saw them coming in to meet the children and spend time with them and then finally today at our monthly Friendship meal they came and said goodbye. They still have several weeks in the country getting paper work done before they will leave.

Please remember to pray for the children left behind. Hugo had one good friend Segundo who will miss him sorely, especially as Segundo and his two sisters want so much to be adopted. There were lots of tears shed as they said their goodbyes, especially by the house parents who have cared for them for the last two years.

The school also put on a mother’s day program with around 250 in attendance. Tom preached a clear gospel message, showing them the way of life. Mother’s day is big here and celebrated with bands and parades.

The three boys who were with us for nearly six months left recently to stay at the children’s home. They have adjusted well and are fitting in with their new family (the house parents actually are related).

Please remember to pray as we travel home. We leave Peru June 15th and return September 1st in God’s will. We hope to see many of you!

Thank-you again for your prayers we need them and appreciate them.

In Him

Mark Kim and family

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