"Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am they God: will strengthen thee; year, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
Isaiah 41:10-11

Dear friends in Christ, the time is quickly flying by and so there is so much to be done, I pray that you are redeeming the time.

We wanted to share a few things that have been going on and request again your prayers.  Recently two young ladies left the children’s home.  Claudia was in grade one and has been adopted by a couple from Italy.  Rita was a sweet thirteen year old girl, with us since May. She heard the gospel and was saved a few months ago.  I teach her in third grade (she was that far behind from living in the mountains) and she was quite ready to share what it meant to be a Christian. She soon asked when she could be baptized.  We had planned a baptism for later in November but found out suddenly that she would be returning to the mountains to live. So she was baptized Sunday and indeed she left this Tuesday.  Pray for her as she bears the light in the mountains.
Recently one of the teachers from the school was speaking of the book of life to her K5 class.  Anghelo (one of the most rambunctious boys) piped up to say that he knew his name was written in the book of life!  How did he know this?  He had trusted Jesus as his Saviour.  Then to top it off he proceeded to say he wanted to learn how to read so now he could read his Bible and indeed he has been pestering his mother (not a Christian as far as I know) to read him the Bible so he  could learn.  Out of the mouth of babes!

October 26th we celebrated the school’s anniversary with a parade through town.  The teachers and parents decorated everything from flatbed trucks to mototaxis and then the children all dressed up and rode through town.  A side effect of this parade is that more parents are coming to enroll their children.  As we see the school growing it means we also encounter many more challenging cases.  Each one takes divine wisdom to understand what is best for them and the school.  Along with this we have almost enough applications for K4 for two classes but we only have one classroom.

Kim was commenting recently how several new mothers from the school have been attending the ladies meeting. They meet twice a month when they have a workshop a snack and a message, please pray for them to meet the Lord of light.
Recently I was looking back at how God had provided English teachers for this year.  It was a real answer to prayer and a time for thanksgiving as I saw how He supplied what the need.  Once again we ask you to pray for the next year that we would have the English teachers we need for the school.

In Him

Mark Kim and Family

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